...位于项目关 键路径中的活动的持续时间 赶工并不总是一种可行的方案,并且常导致成本增加 快速跟进 快速跟进(Fast tracking):将正常情况下按顺序实施的多个活动调 整为“并行进行”,以压缩项目工期,例如:在设计完成之前就开始编 码 (change sequence...
...果遇到时间紧任务重的时候,要想按时完成只有两种办法:赶工(crashing)(通过加班或添加人手来完成任务)或加速进程(fast tracking)(把从前先后顺序的工作,改为同时进行来缩短时间)。
fast tracking cardiac anesthesia 快通道心脏麻醉
fast-tracking the project 快速跟进项目
fast-tracking 快速跟进
Fast tracking cardiacanesthesia 快车道心脏麻醉 ; 道心脏麻醉
fast tracking algorithm 快速跟踪算法
Fast-tracking anesthesia 快通道麻醉
Fast tracking measurement 快速跟踪测量
Fast Tracking Cardia Anesthesia 快通道心脏手术的麻醉
N-SING The fast track to a particular goal, especially in politics or in your career, is the quickest route to achieving it. 捷径
Many Croats and Slovenes saw independence as the fast track to democracy.
V-T To fast track something means to make it happen or progress faster or earlier than normal. 加快; 提前
A Federal Court case had been fast tracked to Wednesday.
B. Fast tracking often results in rework, and crashing often results in increased cost.
The objective of fast tracking a project is to: Increase productivity. Reduce project duration. Increase schedule tracking controls.
The simulation results show that the control scheme not only can enhance fast tracking performance, but also has a strong robustness to parametric variations and resistance disturbances.