测试工具分为以下两类: 找错工具(fault-finding): 找错工具(fault-finding) 静态分析工具:百盒测试工具如Parasoft的 静态分析工具:百盒测试工具如Parasoft的JTest 动态测试工具: Robot(对整个应用程序...
... 挑剔者, 找岔子的人 fault-finder 找岔子, 吹毛求疵, 挑剔 fault-finding 寻衅, 找岔子, 寻找机会吵架 pick a fight with sb; pick a quarrel with sb ...
fault finding [科技] 故障探测 ; 故障寻找 ; 诊断工具
automatic fault finding 故障自动探测 ; 自动故障探测 ; 自动故障找寻 ; 自动故障查找
Tutu finding fault finding 图图找找茬小游戏
fault finding procedure 故障寻找程序
Intentional fault-finding 故意挑毛病
Be Fault-finding 鸡蛋里挑骨头
automatic fault finding and maintenance 自动故障找寻与维护
Electronic Fault Finding 电子故障探测
fault-finding capability 发现问题的能力
同义词: faultfinding carping
同义词: faultfinding(a)
同义词: captious faultfinding
以上来源于: WordNet
N continual and usually trivial criticism 吹毛求疵
ADJ given to finding fault 好挑剔的
Lifeistoo short to be wasted in hatred revenge fault-finding prejudice intolerance and destruction.
Life is too short to be wasted in hatred, revenge, fault-finding, prejudice, intolerance and destruction.
Now, I can become very unusual fault-finding, know that the stars are packed out, and then plunged into misery.