If you feel as though 如果你不觉知
I didn't feel as though I needed to keep up with anybody else; I was finally with peers who understood me.
I love reading because when I read, I feel as though I am communicating with the writer.
I feel as though I am trapped in a labyrinth in this mansion of ours, unable even to get out of this drawing-room to the telephone out on the landing.
Sometimes we refer to them as "great books"-- in other words, the sort of text that speaks, or we feel as though it's speaking, to all places and times.
We feel as though whether somebody is me or not should depend upon internal facts about me in the earlier stages or this stage and that stage, not about what's happening elsewhere,outside,extrinsic to these things.
I feel certain sensations in my body, but it doesn't seem as though I observe a soul.