femoral vein [解剖] 股静脉 ; 股骨静脉
deep femoral vein [解剖] 股深静脉
superficial femoral vein 股浅静脉 ; 静脉 ; 行股浅静脉
right femoral vein 右股静脉
Femoral vein catheter 股静脉导管
superficial lateral femoral vein 股外侧浅静脉
transfemoral catheterization of femoral vein 经股静脉插管
femoral vein thrombosis 股静脉血栓形成
Methods External valvuloplasty of the femoral vein valve was performed in 26 patients (37 legs) with deep venous valve insufficiency of the legs.
Results All of patients showed the structure of the first valve of superficial femoral vein .
The heart rates of pigs in both groups were observed after isoproterenol (ISO) being injected through femoral vein.