fibre optic cable 光缆 ; 光纤电缆 ; 维光缆
fibre-optic cable 纤维光缆 ; 光缆
Fibre optic cable plant 光纤电缆性能指标
Fibre Optic Cable and Systems 光缆等
fibre-optic cable network 光纤有线网络
fibre optic cable splicer 光缆熔接
China-Korea submarine fibre-optic cable system 中韩海底光缆
fibre-optic telecommunication cable 光纤通信光缆
optic fibre cable 光纤电缆
The next significant attack, it said, “may well come down a fibre-optic cable” and may be serious enough to merit a response under the mutual-defence provisions of Article 5.
Even for those unable to watch or listen on the Internet, satellite dishes and fibre-optic cable are hugely expanding the choice of programmes.
Instead of letting it pass, the holes would reflect the light back toward the tip of the fibre optic cable, effectively turning the diaphragm into a mirror even as it still allowed water to pass.