姓 名:杨秋焕 英文名:FIDO. 籍 贯:山东 出生年月:1986年10月01日 身 高:177 cm 体 重:55 kg 胸 围:86 cm 腰 围:62 cm 臀 围:87 cm 专 业:法律 毕业学院:海口经济学院 爱 好:舞蹈 获得奖项:CCTV第八届模特大赛山东赛区冠军
初级的改装是将原车的主机换成CD、VCD、DVD、M 僵尸人(Fido) 僵尸人(Fido)2006年11月14日 僵尸(或称「僵尸)是一种死后经过很长时间却仍然没有腐烂的尸体、变成类似木乃为什么会有僵尸这个..
FIDO DIDO 菲都狄都 ; 七喜小子 ; 快乐笑豆 ; 恶作剧信任
Martin Fido 马丁·菲多 ; 马丁·费多
Il Pastor Fido 忠诚的牧师
Fido Socks 快乐笑豆
FIDO Alliance 线上快速身份验证联盟
The Little Dog Fido 小狗费得
Fido Dido Treasurix 菲多方块
Fido the Guard 看门狗先生
以上来源于: WordNet
Dogs may be man's best friend, but babies might also really understand Fido.
Epidemiology studies also undermine the desire to believe that Fido would never turn on us.
One hot day, after dinner, his master was sleeping in a summer-house, with Fido by his side.
In addition to studying molecules and making molecules, some chemists Tim Swager want to detect molecules, and a chemist who likes to detect molecules TNT is Tim Swager. So, Tim Swager's lab has designed sensors that detect vapors, Fido and so they will detect TNT, for example.
And so, he has put this chemistry to use in this robotic arm and they call it Fido, because often dogs are the creatures that have to go out and detect these things, and it's not a great job if you're a dog to be sent out to see whether there was an explosive and discover yes, there was, a little bit too late.
They bring it in and they say, "Oh, Fido's dead, Fido's dead, but what's for dinner?"