fifo memory 先进先出存储器 ; fifo存储器
FIFO memory buffer FIFO缓冲存储器
FIFO virtual memory 先进先出虚记忆器
fifo buffer memory fifo缓冲存储
virtual memory FIFO 先进先出虚记忆器
dual port fifo buffer memory 双端口fifo缓冲存储
The new method improves the efficiency of bus and reduces the size of frame buffer in memory and FIFO in DMA channel.
In data storage transmission modular, we adopt PCI bus line and FIFO data memory carry out succession for plenty of data to storage transmission, guarantee AE signal accurate collecting.
The system controls the logic of the data acquisition board by programmable logic device (PLD) with the center of the ARM microcontroller and FIFO memory and provides the simulate waveforms.