figure skater 花样滑冰运动员 ; 花样滑冰 ; 花式溜冰 ; 花滑霸王
Figure Skater 2 花滑霸王
a star figure skater 一位冰上明星
Skater Figure Silver Sterling 美国代购专柜正品女式银质胸针
Commemorative COINS will be issued next week to honor Korean figure skater Kim Yu-na's gold medal at the Vancouver Winter Olympics, the Korean Olympic Committee said.
Those parts get busy at certain moments in the AD - at the beginning with the torch and figure skater and then later when a Visa card appears on-screen.
那些部分在广告的特定时刻变得繁忙起来- - -在开始时与圣火和花样滑冰选手相关,后来与出现在屏幕上的Visa卡相关。