...心期刊-中华版权网 关键词: 财务预警;财务预警指标;财务预警模型;综合功效法 [gap=2804]Key Words: Financial forewarning; Financial forewarning indexes; Financial forewarning model; Comprehensive effi..
Financial forewarning indexes 财务预警指标
Financial forewarning model 财务预警模型
financial Failure forewarning 财务失败预警
financial distress forewarning system 财务预警系统
Therefore, establishment of the financial forewarning system for enterprises has not only theoretic study value, but also has reality significance to the financial management practices.
参考来源 - 企业财务预警管理系统的构建·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Therefore it is of very important significance on theory and reality to bring quantitative analysis into the financial crisis forewarning model for credit risk management of commercial bank.
It is important to build an effective forewarning system of financial crisis for every interest group, so that the system can help listed corporations forecast financial risk and reduce loss.
Cash flow plays a decisive role in financial analysis and assessment of firms, and overseas forewarning systems for financial crisis based on cash-flow indicators have yielded good results.