...ial Reporting Standards 国际财务报告准则 ; 国际财务报告标准 ; 国际会计准则 Financial Reporting Environment 财务报告环境 Reliability of financial reporting 可靠性 ; 财务报告可靠性 ..
With this said the financial reporting environment in Indonesia is still a work-in-progress, but has made some substantial improvements over the past decade.
This harmonized environment, particularly in terms of financial reporting and accounting standards, facilitates direct access to a very large base of investors.
Along with the change of economic environment in the 21stcentury, financial reporting will present the following development trends:increasing the international comparability;
本文认为,随着2 1世纪经济环境的变化,财务报告将呈现以下几大发展趋势:国际可比性增强;