... 财政机关 financial administration 财政计划 financing plan 财政纪律 fiscal discipline ...
personal financing plan 个人理财计划 ; 个人理财 ; 羳
financing plan Department 计划财务部
Financing plan Dept 计划财务部
And Your Financing Plan 和你理财计划
Financing Plan for Living Costs 滞留费用及支付方式
reserve financing plan 准备金筹措计划
Financing plan for your life 受益一生的理财计划
floor-plan financing 展销贷款
We also offer a very good financing plan.
This financing plan will be most on H-shares which will make up 96.15 percent of the total issuing.
The financing plan accelerates donor contributions to immunization programs and helps lock in aid flows, which usually depend on annual budgets, says McAdams.