...n] 保持心境平静;不受外界干扰 [find a job for;place in a certain position;plant;assign a job] 把人或事物放在一定的位置上 [go leisurely on foot is as good as riding in a chartiot;on foot's horse;go by walker's bus;walk rather than ride] 慢慢地...
There is also the toll of broken lives, lost homes and workers whose skills and confidence have gone after failing to find a job for too long.
A 28-year-old software engineer in Isfahan, one of 6,000-plus bright young Iranians applying for Canadian citizenship this year alone, says she has been unable to find a job for several years.
A 28-year-old software engineer in Isfahan, one of 6, 000-plus bright young Iranians applying for Canadian citizenship this year alone, says she has been unable to find a job for several years.
Let us find a way to come together and finish the job for the American people."
VOA: special.2010.01.30
There are a lot of volunteer kind of programs that you can do for a couple of years until you can find a job.
"They help you do your resume, your cover letter and everything you need for a job interview, and they help you find a job whatever you're interested in."
VOA: special.2010.05.13