... [ wallow indulge be addicted to ] 无节制地沉湎或放纵 [ be (in a certain condition);stand in;find oneself in ] 居于某种地位或状态 [ surname ] 复姓 ...
... 他曾经历过好几次危险,但每次都没事。 land on sb 处于 find oneself in 汤姆已离开数月,但这几天他会回来。 land up in sth ...
find oneself in the mire 发现自己陷入困境 ; 隐于困境
Find oneself in a dilemma 进退维谷
find oneself in a predicament 处境窘迫
to find oneself in trouble 发觉自己陷入麻烦
find oneself in a situation 发现自己不知不觉处于某种状态
Find oneself in trouble 珍爱 ; 发现自己陷入困境
find oneself in a fix 陷于狼狈境地
It's always a comfort to find oneself in good company.
If one knows not how to work their way out of a job or marriage that is killing oneself, or any other predicament one may find oneself in, how can one intend such a dream?
See how good you are, and I in front of you, oneself also can't find my body what it is worth your love, inarticulate, I can't give you happiness.