fire blight [植保] 火疫病 ; 火伤病 ; 热萎病 ; 花萎病
bacterial fire blight of apple 苹果火疫病
pear bacterial fire blight 梨署伤病
fire blight of pear 梨火疫病
pear fire blight 梨火疫病
apple fire blight 苹果火疫病
loquat fire blight 枇杷火疫病
apricot fire blight 杏火疫病
Blight Fire 灭世烈焰 ; 芯之恋
Why not replace the shacks that blight the lives of so many poor people, thrown together out of cardboard and mud, and prone to collapsing or catching fire, with more durable structures?
Fire blight can survive in the majority part in China and might blast under suitable host plants and environmental conditions.
This variety is susceptible to fire blight.