...隧道防火涂料 防火涂料(fire-retardant coating),又名防火漆、阻燃涂料,是用于可燃性基材表面,能降低被涂材料表面的可燃性、阻滞火灾的迅速蔓延,用以提高被涂材料耐火极限的...
Fire retardant coating [涂料] 防火涂料 ; 阻燃涂料
Fire-retardant Coating of Building 建筑防火涂料
electric fire retardant coating 电器部件用不燃性涂料
high temperature fire retardant coating 高温耐火涂料
fiber fire retardant coating 织物阻火性涂料
foaming fire retardant coating 发泡阻燃涂料
new type fire retardant coating 新型防火涂料 ; 新型耐火涂料
The results showed that not only some performance of fire-retardant coating was bettered but also the operating cost was reduced owing to the adding of mineral powders.
When the outdoor steel structure fire protection, should use special open with fire retardant coating, and with anti rust primer.
Decorative requirements of the higher parts can choose ultra-thin fire retardant coating. 4 fire coating thickness should directly adopt the fire test data of actual components.