... break –time of a residual current protective device 剩余电流保护器的分断时间 first break time 初至时间 fluid break time 压裂液破胶时间 ...
Stack the first break time 初至波叠加
Moveout of first break time 初至时差
first-break intercept-time method 初至时间截距方法
first nutrition break eating time 第一次餐点时间
first break travel-time 初至波旅行时
In seismic data processing, the accurate first break time is the key parameter to solve static correction problems of complex surface.
It is based on the least square of the difference between the real reflection first break time and corresponding modeled ray-tracing travel time.
The digital image processing such as edge detection and boundary tracing to pick up the first break time is discussed in this paper, which based on the specialty of first break time.