First-hand 第一手 ; 直接得来的 ; 直接 ; 第一手资料
first-hand material 第一手材料
at first hand 第一手得来的
material at first hand 第一手材料 ; 第一手资料
first hand tap 头攻丝锥 ; 初绞螺丝攻 ; [机] 初攻丝锥
first hand data [统计] 原始数据
first-hand experience 亲身体验 ; 亲身经验 ; 第一手实践经验
first-hand field experience 第一手现场经验
ADJ First hand information or experience is gained or learned directly, rather than from other people or from books. 直接的; 第一手的 [ADJ n]
School trips give children firsthand experience not available in the classroom.
ADV First-hand is also an adverb. 直接地; 第一手地 [ADV after v]
We've been through Germany and seen first-hand what's happening there.
at first hand →see first
The President visited the area to see the devastation at first hand.
He arrived in Natal to see at first hand the effects of the recent heavy fighting.
We need to get kids out of the school buildings, give them a chance to learn about the world at first hand.
"We have all seen that,first hand, when Americans responded to the tsunami or to Katrina, or the earthquake in Pakistan.
VOA: standard.2010.01.16
For those of you don't know what that is it's simply an instrument that counts radioactive particles in the air, and MIT now that you're at MIT, you'll all have a chance to see one first hand if you're ever in any of the labs, especially in the chemistry or bio labs.
OK, so w, first of all, work is being done to the system on the left hand side here.