...mp type take-off(滑跃起飞)而没有运用catapult system(弹射系统),使中国成为少数几个控制了固定翼飞机(fixed-wing jets)航母起降技术的国度之一。
fixed-wing aircraft 固定翼飞机 ; 飞机 ; 固定翼机 ; 定翼机
fixed wing 固定翼 ; 固定翼缝 ; 固定翼飞机 ; 固定翼的
fixed-wing base manager 固定翼飞机基地经理
fixed wing aircraft engine 固定翼飞机发动机
fixed wing slot 固定式翼缝
fixed-wing pilot 定翼机飞行员
fixed wing airplane 固定翼飞机
fixed-wing operator 定翼机机构
fixed wing rail 固定翼轨
Tiltrotor is a new type of aircraft. It has the advantages of both conventional helicopter and fixed-wing aircraft, and has a bright future.
参考来源 - 倾转旋翼机气弹响应及稳定性若干问题研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
A NATO working group has established common standards for the design and construction of fixed-wing unmanned aerial vehicles.
The ban made sense for the Yugoslav war, as virtually all the fixed-wing military aircraft in the region were under the control of one side — the Bosnian Serbs.
The squadron has been deployed to Sendai airport to help clear the runway and make it ready for fixed-wing aircraft traffic following the 9.0 earthquake and tsunami.