The architecture of this processor is based on the CS arithmetic,also combines pipeline process and parallel process to reduce process time,and combines fixed point operation and floating point operation to reduce hardware resource.
该处理器的体系结构由算法直接映射而来,同时根据算法内在的时间关系将流水处理和并行处理相结合,从而极大地减少了处理时间。 根据算法各运算对数据的精度要求不同,将浮点运算和定点运算结合在一块,既满足了成像的精度要求又节省了硬件开销。
参考来源 - 用FPGA实现星载SAR实时成像处理器的工程方法 in C·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
This paper introduces a computation method of trigonometric functions and inverse trigonometric functions in microprocessor by usr of combination binary fixed point operation with look-up table.
A physical processor is organized as different execution units at the hardware level, for example, fixed point and floating point operation units.
SQL-92 includes a decimal data type, which is an exact numeric type for representing fixed point decimal Numbers and performs basic arithmetic operation on decimal Numbers.
SQL - 92包括DECIMAL数据类型,它是用于表示定点小数的精确数字类型,它可以对小数进行基本的算术运算。