叙利亚仓鼠 golden hamster ; Syrian hamster ; Teddy Bear Hamster ; Black bear hamster 叙利亚国旗 Flag of Syria ; Syrian flag 叙利亚国徽 Coat of arms of Syria ; Emblem of Syria ; SOA of Syria ..
abstract:As a result of the ongoing Syrian civil war, there are currently two governments claiming to be the de jure government of Syria using different flags to represent the state. The incumbent government, led by Bashar al-Assad and the Ba'ath Party is using the red-white-black United Arab Republic flag in use since 1980 while the Syrian Interim Government, led by the Syrian National Coalition – seeking to overthrow the Assad government – readopted the green-white-black Independence flag in 2012.
Meanwhile, Turks watched with alarm this summer as members of the Syrian branch of the PKK raised the guerilla movement's flag over several predominantly Kurdish towns along Syria's border with Turkey.