forget flagrantly 公然忽视
flagrantly detail 千真万确地
flagrantly scrap an agreement 悍然撕毁协议
cheat flagrantly 明目张胆地欺骗
Flagrantly absurd or ridiculous 荒唐无稽
Flagrantly decided 公然决定
flagrantly interfere 横加干涉
"he is flagrantly disregarding the law"
以上来源于: WordNet
Marty, 19, may have the most flagrantly impractical career goal, next to writing haiku.
But as the table on the left shows, some of the eurozone's most prominent nations flagrantly violate those terms.
It is flagrantly dishonest for an advertising agent to urge consumers to buy a product which he would not allow his own wife to buy.