flash point [油气] [物] 闪点 ; 导火线 ; 闪火点 ; 引火点
flash point tester 闪点测定器 ; 闪点仪 ; 引火点试验器 ; 闪点测定仪
flash point test [油气] [物] 闪点试验 ; 闪点测试 ; 闪光试验 ; 闪点
Abel flash point 阿贝尔闪点
open flash point 开杯闪点 ; 开口闪点
flash point apparatus 闪点测定仪 ; 闪点仪 ; 闪点测定器
open flash point tester 开方引火点试验器
kerosene flash point 煤油闪点
Determination of flash point 闪点测定 ; 闪点的测定
flash-point 闪点 ; 解释闪点
It's true, I had heard that Gaza could be dangerous, in various ways, but had not anticipated that watching a football match on TV, or my allegiance for Arsenal, would be a flash-point.
I believe we're at the same flash point today.
For example, a recent blog post by Adobe's platform evangelist Serge Jespers, comparing Flex and Silverlight, became the flash point for heated argument.
比如 Adobe平台传道士Serge Jespers最近就写了一篇博客文章比较Flex和Silverlight,并因此点燃了激烈的争论。