flavoured nuclei 不同味的原子核
flavoured beef 调味牛肉
flavoured meat 调味肉
flavoured soup 调味汤料
flavoured milk 增香乳
flavoured syrup 加香糖浆
flavoured water 有味水
flavoured yoghurt 加香酸乳酪
essence-flavoured 加香精的
Vanillin is an important flavour widely used in foods, beverages, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals.
参考来源 - 生物转化法生产香草醛的研究The results of flavour taste showed that the meat aroma and umami of free-ranged chickens were higher than that of caged chickens and the meat tenderness were lower than that of caged chickens.
参考来源 - 优质鸡肌内脂肪代谢调控及其与肉质性状关系的研究Ethylvanillin is a rare high-grade flavour needed to be synthesized.
参考来源 - 草酸电化学合成乙基香兰素的研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
ADJ If a food is flavoured, various ingredients have been added to it so that it has a distinctive flavour. 添加了调料的 [oft ADJ 'with' n]
...meat flavoured with herbs.
Many of these recipes are highly flavoured.