a fleeting show 昙花一现的现象
I caught a fleeting glimpse 我曾经有过短暂的一瞥 ; 我匆匆一瞥 ; 我曾惊鸿一瞥
a fleeting opportunity 稍纵即逝的机会
Cover a fleeting youth 青春掩饰了流年
a fleeting 稍微一放松就消失了
fleeting g a 飞逝的 ; 短暂的
A faint or fleeting indication 迹象 ; 模糊的暗示模糊的或一闪即逝的暗示
Sand painting is considered a fleeting art.
In the fleeting glimpse before the car started up, Martin noted the overcoat pockets, one bulging with books, the other bulging with a quart bottle of whiskey.
在汽车起动之前的短暂的一瞥里,Martin 注意到大衣口袋,一边鼓鼓囊囊地塞着书,另一边鼓鼓囊囊地塞着一夸脱瓶装的威士忌酒。
We paid a fleeting visit to Paris.