讲演提及大温地区住宅房地产时指出,从前一段时光来自亚洲的游资(flight capital)涌进大温房市,中国及其余环太平洋地区的买家动辄耗资数百万元购置市中央公寓顶层或市核心外独破屋豪宅。
flight of capital [金融] 资本外逃 ; 资本逃避 ; [金融] 资金外逃
am flight capital 外逃资本
Intermediate Capital Flight 渡性资本外逃
the flight of capital abroad 资金外流
Triggering Capital Flight 引发资本出逃
capital l flight 资本外逃
Capital Flight and China's Countermeasure 资本外逃与中国的对策
capital flight 资本外逃
Xinjiang capital flight can know 新疆航班可以知道首都
N funds transferred abroad in order to avoid high taxes or to provide for a person's needs if flight from the country becomes necessary 外逃资本
This result is useful in examining potential gains from flight capital repatriation.
TI has seen its shares suffer because of a flight of capital to telecom and Internet-related businesses.
Capital controls limit capital flight.