南极洲海岸类型 [18] 类型 所占比率 冰棚 (floating ice front) 44% 冰墙 (resting on ground) 38% 冰流/注出冰川 (ice front or ice wall) 13% 岩岸 5% 总计 100% 地理分区 南极洲分东南极洲和...
Sea ice abuts the floating glacier tongue except in three places along the front of the glacier.These ice-free areas are called polynyas.
从图上可以看到,海冰(Sea ice) 和漂浮着的冰川紧靠着,只有在冰川前边的三处地方例外,这种没有冰的区域称作冰穴(Polynyas)。
A group of seals rests on floating ice in front of muir glacier in glacier bay, Alaska.