... carbon floor price 执行碳最低保证价 floor price system 最低价格制 ground floor price 最低价格 ...
Import Floor Price System 进口最低限价制
The earlier LTS draft seen by Reuters carried annotations from Iran and Algeria for measures to support prices such as a price target or floor and a return to OPEC's quota system.
China has launched a new fuel pricing scheme which sets up a price floor and ceiling. Under the system, the price floor is at $40 a barrel and the price ceiling at $130.
The system has the advantages of light weight, low price and simpleness and effectively promotes mechanical operation popularizationlevel in the wall and floor tiles production and logistics field.
本系统所具有的质轻价廉简单的优点将会在 墙地砖生产及物流领域有力地促进机械化作业的普及水平。