Florence Nightingale 弗罗伦斯·南丁格尔 ; 南丁格尔 ; 弗洛伦斯·南丁格尔 ; 佛罗伦萨·南丁格尔
Florence Nightingale Graham 格雷汉姆 ; 格雷厄姆
Florence Nightingale Museum 南丁格尔博物馆 ; 南丁格纪念博物馆
Florence Nightingale Award 南丁格尔奖 ; 弗洛伦斯 ; 南丁格尔奖章
Florence Nightingale effect 南丁格尔效应
Florence Nightingale Groham 格雷汉姆
Florence Nightingale Grgoodness meam 格雷汉姆
A real Florence Nightingale 你生活中的南丁格尔
florence nightingale photograph on view 南丁格尔珍贵照片在英国展出
Florence Nightingale was a nurse who saved many people in the 19th century.
Like Florence Nightingale before him, what gives his work its persuasive force is not just rock-solid data and beautiful graphics but his personal passion and enthusiasm.
And she worked with her friend Florence Nightingale.