surface fluorescent fixture 明装荧光灯
recessed fluorescent fixture 嵌入式荧光灯
pendant continuous row fluorescent fixture 吊装荧光灯带
surface continuous row fluorescent fixture 明装荧光灯带
Luxury super narrow fluorescent fixture 豪华型超窄莹光支架
recess continuous row fluorescent fixture 嵌入式荧光灯带
fluorescent lighting fixture 荧光灯具 ; 日光灯支架 ; 荧光照明设备 ; 荧光照明
Bath fluorescent fixture 浴室日光灯具
同义词: fluorescent
以上来源于: WordNet
While the arris threw a warm light, the car was lit by the cooler 8-foot Kino Flo daylight fluorescent fixture.
与Arri钨丝灯的暖光不同,打在汽车上的灯光由稍冷色的8英尺Kino flo日光荧光灯提供。
Exterior light Fixture: Fluorescent lights are mounted outside the fume hood chamber for improved safety, increased operating life and convenient service.
Solution: A fluorescent uplight fixture in a display niche or atop a cabinet can provide timeless style and helpful illumination.
解决方法:在你的壁橱或者存储的柜橱里装置一个墙面突出的烛台。 奶油蛋壳可以提供一个清洁,简单的背景。