with flying colors 成功 ; 大获全胜 ; 胜利地 ; 出色地
flying colors 飘扬的旗帜 ; 成功 ; 垫底辣妹 ; 奇迹补习社
Come through with flying colors 干得出色 ; 大获成功
Come off with flying colors 凯旋 ; 大功告成 ; 大告成功
pass with flying colors 胜利 ; 考得很好 ; 凯旋 ; 取得好成绩
Coming Through with Flying Colors 得心应手
came through with flying colors 获得大胜利
Passing with flying colors 主修专业
So if you want to come through this downturn with flying colors — and maybe even a promotion or a raise — you need to think positive.
Jack won the race last week with flying colors.
The organization doesn’t usually evaluate SUVs that large, but the Touareg passed with flying colors, giving Volkswagen/Audi its ninth safety award.