flying-dust 扬尘
Air Flying Dust 空气飞尘
cement flying dust 水泥粉尘
flying dust-forming points 扬尘点
Dust Flying 沙尘飞舞
No Dust Flying 不扬尘
Vast Dust Flying 茫茫尘土飞
20 years flew by, and so many changes took place, but the road from the post office to the village always hadn't had any trees and nothing but the flying dust could be seen.
To improve the environment, many measures have been taken to reduce and control flying dust.
D. Simplifying process of production. superior and sanitary operation environment, and flying dust can be avoided during the drying process.
生产过程简化,操作环境卫生条件优越, 能避免干燥过程中的粉尘飞扬。