...要》2010年 毒载体转导非分裂细胞和神经细胞的研究进展 张莹莹 刘永娟 刘万红 何小华 【摘要】: 正泡沫病毒(foamy virus,FV)是一类拥有广泛宿主且无致病性的逆转录病毒。
Simian foamy virus 猴泡沫病毒 ; 泡沫病毒
bovine foamy virus 以牛泡沫病毒 ; 本研究以牛泡沫病毒
human foamy virus 人泡沫病毒 ; 人泡沫逆转录病毒
feline foamy virus 猫泡沫病毒 ; 泡沫病毒
Equine foamy virus 马泡沫病毒
Macaque foamy virus 恒河猴泡沫病毒
PrototyPic foamy virus 原型泡沫病毒
Simian foamy virus Chimpanzee isolate 猴泡沫病毒黑猩猩分离株
Foamy virus group 泡沫病毒群
Before Dr. Katzourakis’s fossil hunt, scientists had never found a foamy virus infecting any sloths, or any of their relatives like armadillos and anteaters.
Rabbits were injected with a single intravenation of Bovine foamy virus 3026 (BFV3026)-infected cells in the ear and monitored for sera-conversion serologically up to 1 year.