... flash visual evoked potential:发光视物感觉诱发电位 focal epilepsy:局限型癫痫 foville syndrome:福维尔综合征 ...
... flash visual evoked potential:闪光视觉引发电位 focal epilepsy:范围型癫痫 foville syndrome:祸维尔综合征 ...
focal epilepsy detail 局限性癫痫
minor focal epilepsy 小局灶性癫痫
acute focal epilepsy 急性局灶型癫痫
chronic focal epilepsy 慢性局灶性癫痫
benigh focal epilepsy 良性限局性癫癎
benign focal epilepsy childhood 儿童良性局灶性癫痫
benign focal epilepsy of childhood 儿童良性局灶性癫痫
Cortical Dysplasia-Focal Epilepsy Syndrome 脑皮质发育不全伴病灶性癫痫综合征
focal functional epilepsy 限局性功能性癫痫
同义词: cortical epilepsy
以上来源于: WordNet
What Causes Seizure in Focal Epilepsy?
Seizure control:Acute focal epilepsy could be effectively controlled when the thermocoagulation power and duration is 4U/1S.
癫痫控制情况:在4U/ 1S组的热凝,能有效地控制急性局灶性癫痫。
Conclusions: NREM can induce the seizure attack in children confirmed epilepsy, the type of focal epilepsy were more easily induced during NREM than others.