折叠及叠影(FoldOver) 扩张的球体(Global Expansion) 封闭的环形(Loops) 这一风格让人线人一新,当时,凡是有国际业务的企业都会考虑用球 体作为他们的L...
foldover distortion 叠象失真 ; 折叠失真
Foldover Designs 对折设计 ; 折叠设计
Adela Foldover Boots 阿黛拉暖绒靴
FOSSIL Erin Foldover 女士真皮单肩包
Mountains and rivers foldover 山水叠影
Fossil Erin Foldover Tote 女款单肩包
CeraPak blister sealers are designed for variety of package seals including face, foldover card, plastic-to-plastic and medical device and pharmaceutical dose-pak.
This paper describes experimental design used in the inner array and the outer array of robust design, including factorial design, fractional factorial design, foldover design, etc.