... [appendictis;typhlitis] 盲肠的炎症 [follow blindly;follow like sheep] 盲目地附合随从 [act blindly] 不仔细考虑、没有明确的目的就行动 ...
... a means of self-expression自我表达的一种方式 follow blindly盲目追求 dwell too much on what others think失去了自己的喜好和判断 ...
to follow blindly 盲从 ; 踏袭
follow the fashion blindly 盲目追逐时尚 ; 盲目追求时尚
psychological follow blindly 心理盲从
follow blindly follow like sheep 盲目地附合随从
Do not blindly follow others 不要盲目跟随他人
follow some fashion blindly 盲目追逐时尚
follow news media blindly 不要盲目跟从新闻媒体
follow suit blindly 盲目跟风
follow sth blindly 盲目跟从
Reading is not for eloquence and refute, also is not to trust and follow blindly, but to think and trade-offs.
It is not what we write down about how we plan to do our job, nor is it a set of rules and such that we must follow blindly.
In the progress of city figure mold, the construction of city Sculpture is keep away from the realty, opposing follow blindly.