CSS3 icon font完全指南 | CSS | 前端观察:大家都知道现在各个浏览器都支持CSS3的自定义字体(font-face),包括IE6都支持,只是各自对字体文件格式的支持不太一样。那么对于网站中用到的各种.
Web typography using the CSS @font-face rule has also seen a large uptake in web design.
通过CSS @font-face规则排版对网页设计也有很大的帮助。
Some tests involve a timed fallback, like the @font-face test, because their associated feature is not always immediately available, and needs an asynchronous check.
That's because when the font you choose isn't available, users' systems revert to (in most cases) the simplest and often most boring and unattractive font face that their system has available.
因为当您选择的字体不可用时,大多数情况下用户系统会调节到对他们 的系统可用的最简单(通常最烦人、最难看)的字体。