86 中文名称:足球司理2010 英文名称: Football Manager 2010 发行时间: 2009年10月30日 游戏类型: 举止模拟经营 游戏说话: 英文\简体中文(汉化) 开发厂商: Sports Interactive 发行厂商:
世嘉欧罗巴洲和Sports Interactive共同宣布了球队经营摹拟逛戏《脚球经理2010(Football Manager 2010)》将于2009年10月30日正在PC/MAC/PSP上同步发售,对当PSP版名为《Football Manager Handheld 2010》。
Real Football Manager 2010 实况足球经理
Football Manager 2010 Handheld 足球经理
Therefore customers that buy genuine Football Manager 2010 boxed copies will be able to play the game with no activation.
因此购买了盒装正版拷贝的FM 2010的顾客将可以免激活的玩这个游戏。
We have not been able to find and test a solution that we can guarantee will provide purchasers of Football Manager 2010 with no issues at all.
我们无法找出和测试出一个我们敢保证提供给用户的都是完全没问题的FM 2010的解决方法。
As a result of those issues we have been investigating both revised and totally new anti-piracy and activation solutions for Football Manager 2010.
总结了这些问题之后,我们一直在为FM 2010的反盗版和激活方法进行调查研究。