8种不同方法美化你的列表样式_新闻_草根网 HTML列表的应用( for an ordered list, for an unordered list)在当今已经是非常普遍了,今天,我们将对常规列表做一 创建列表――茕若(侠客岛版权所有) 你可以使用 ...
First note that Tuple is a fancy name for an ordered list - once I looked this up it helped!
首先请注意,Tuple 是有序列表的雅名——我在知道这一点后帮助非常大!
Then take the top 10 searches, create HTML for each search, and append them to an ordered list.
It should include a time-frame; an ordered list of tasks to complete; persons responsible for each task; a list of resources required including materials; facilities and funds.