When the death of a loved one is sudden or unexpected, with lit-tle time to prepare, it is not infrequent for mourners to believe the dead person is still alive.
And they shall come at no dead person to defile themselves: but for father, or for mother, or for son, or for daughter, for brother, or for sister that hath had no husband, they may defile themselves.
By the time [he or she] wakes up, the patient may have been dead for a while, but if you have a warning sign and can alert another person in your house, that can be lifesaving.
Well,sometimes in response to this thought,people respond by saying, Look,death isn't bad for the person who's dead.
If you will P-function again, if you have been P-functioning in the past and you will be P-functioning again in the future, P-functioning for person functioning, you will be P-functioning again in the future, then you're not dead.