for elementary school students
... Advanced Level 高级教材 For Elementary School Students 国小教材 For Junior High School Students 国中教材 ...
for elementary school students
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
The exploration of teaching argumentation for elementary school students.
I discovered that decades of investigation have failed to turn up any evidence that homework is beneficial for students in elementary school.
As in many states, Massachusetts elementary and high school students must pass a series of standardized tests during their scholastic careers, ultimately as a prerequisite for high school graduation.
The UNESCO Global Microscience Experiments Project aims to provide a practical approach to experiencing science for elementary and secondary school students (and in some countries, students in their first academic year), using kits designed especially with a textbook illustrating the various experiments.
UNESCO: Strenthening Scientific Education in Niger
States should provide additional resources to train and employ teachers of science, technology, engineering and math, as well as increase access to the latest hardware and software for elementary and high-school students.
WSJ: Kirk McDonald: Sorry, College Grads, I Probably Won't Hire You
Friday's visit also coincided with the second day of school for students from Sandy Hook Elementary, where 20 of their classmates -- all ages 6 or 7 -- were killed last month.
CNN: Gabrielle Giffords visits Newtown