设备:代谢笼 鸡:易于进行代谢试验 家禽代谢能的测定法: 也叫快速法(sibbald,1979) 、强饲法(force feeding ) 试验动物为成年公鸡 5、养分消化率和消化能测定 2. 比较全收粪法、指示剂法进行消化试验时各自的优缺点。
fixed percentage allocation method 固定百分比分摊方法 force feeding (as a teaching method) 填鸭式; 填鸭式 four corner code (input method for Chinese characters) 四角号码; 四角号码 ..
force-feeding 强制给食 ; 强制进食 ; 强行喂食法
empting-force feeding method 排空强饲法
Emptying-force-feeding method 排空
force-feeding method of teaching 填鸭式教学
Force-feeding approach to teaching 填鸭式教学
apply force-feeding approach to teaching 填鸭式的教学方法
feeding force 进给力
feeding force control 推进力控制
同义词: lubricating system force-feed lubricating system pressure-feed lubricating system pressure feed
同义词: force-feed
以上来源于: WordNet
Production of the foie gras pt involves force-feeding geese and ducks so that their livers swell.
Like Greece, Portugal has a competitiveness as well as a debt problem; eliminating the former without depreciating the currency involves force-feeding the population with gruel for many years.
The production of the pâté involves the force-feeding of ducks or geese, known in French as gavage, to create fatty livers.