... 喷雾冷却装置 fog spray cooling device 风冷装置 forced air cooling device 淬火压床 die hardening press ...
The forced air cooling device for 600MW unit after shutdown is introduced.
介绍了600 MW机组停机后的空气强制冷却装置,并对其使用中的操作步骤;
The forced air cooling device for 600mw unit after shutdown is introduced. The operation procedures, noteworthy points, effect after the device putting into service are described in detail.
介绍了600 MW机组停机后的空气强制冷却装置,并对其使用中的操作步骤;注意事项;投入使用后的效果进行了详细的阐述。
Countered problems in the forced-air cooling system of power transformer, the energy-saving device composed by converter is designed.