Harrison Ford 哈里森·福特 ; 福特 ; 哈里逊福特 ; 哈里森
ী Harrison Ford 哈里森·福特
Harrison Ford Witness 哈里森·福特
Harrison Ford Interview 哈里逊福特的访谈
Harrison n Ford 主演哈里森·福特
Harrison Ford Colonel Lucas 哈里森·福特
Hollywood star Harrison Ford might be getting on in years, but he still has oodles of appeal.
The original script had a long sword fight between Indiana (Harrison Ford) and the swordsman in black.
And slightly smaller questions like, is Harrison Ford a robot or not?
According to IMDb, where I get all my information, they hit up all the big stars, Harrison Ford, Michael Douglas, and Richard Gere, and they all turned it down because they didn't want to play a gay man because people would think that they were gay.