...) (四)故障办事商业的办法 1、准入限制(access restrictions) 2、外国股权的限制(foreign ownership restrictions) (五)故障与商业有关的常识产权的办法 对常识产权珍爱力度不足等。
foreign n ownership restrictions 外国股权的限制
Foreign Ownership and Mangement Restrictions 其一 ; 外资所有权和公司治理的限制
No restrictions on foreign ownership 对外国人拥有房地产或土地无任何法律限制
Some big Indian firms are moving into the business, but what is needed is to lift the remaining restrictions on foreign ownership and let in international experts such as Walmart, Tesco and Carrefour.
Foreign-ownership restrictions deny efficiencies from consolidation and mean no carrier has more than a few percent of the world market.
The European group cited restrictions including a proposed limit of 50 percent foreign ownership in new energy vehicle companies.