...义分析》,《鹅湖学志》,1990 年4 期,页31-42;另外谢仲明先生亦有类似观点,其将性之定义区分为形式定义(formal definition)与实质定义 (material definition),并有较为详细之讨论,见谢仲明:《儒学与现代世界》,台北:台湾学生书局,1991,页 78-93...
...式有五种: 第一种是把概念的“界定属性”清楚说明,并说明它与其他相关概念的逻辑层 次关系,称为正式定义(formal definition)或逻辑定义(logical definition)。
semi-formal definition 半正式定义
a formal definition of truth 形式化定义
a formal definition 形式定义
formal definition and theory 形式定义和理论
Formal Definition of Motivation 激励的正式定义
Formal definition of activity diagram 活动图形式化定义
formal semantic definition 形式语意定义 ; 形式语义定义
The Formal Protocol Definition 正式的协议定义
XPath 1.0: Read the formal definition of XPath in the original specification.
XPath 1.0:查阅原始规范中对XPath的正式定义。
Let me first give you the formal definition of gravitational potential energy.
The formal definition of TMX shown at the Localisation Industry Standards Association (lisa) Web site states.
Localisation Industry Standards Association(本地化行业标准协会,lisa)网站上给出了TMX的正式定义。
We got definition, we got name, we got a set of formal parameters.
And in particular, I want to be formal about the definition of best response.