fp Forte piano 加强地 ; 增强地 ; 突强 ; 特重
Forte piano 强后即弱
fp forte-piano 强后突弱 ; 强后即弱
Piano e forte 弱和强
fp-Forte piano 强后突弱
Forte-piano fp 强后即弱
f forte - piano 强后变弱
Piano-Forte 钢琴的旧称
Forte e piano 强与弱
ADJ/ADV loud and then immediately soft 强而立即转弱 ( symbol: fp)
N a note played in this way (音符)强后突弱
Collins has no instrument, she is very welcome, as I have often told her, to come to Rosings every day, and play on the piano forte in Mrs. Jenkinson's room.
Playing the piano is her forte.
Her sister made not the smallest objection, and the piano-forte was opened, and Darcy, after a few moments recollection, was not sorry for it.