That was the consensus at a lunchtime roundtable discussion at Fortune's Brainstorm Tech conference in Aspen, Colo.
Katzenberg appeared at Fortune's Brainstorm Tech conference last week in Aspen, Colo., where he offered the attendees some frank insight. Here's an edited portion of his comments.
上周,在科罗拉多州阿斯彭市举办的《财富》科技头脑风暴大会(Fortune ' s Brainstorm Tech conference)上,卡森·博格和与会者坦诚地分享了他的见解。
It was so light (more than two pounds less than the 13-inch MacBook Pro), I didn't have to think twice about toting it around Fortune's Brainstorm Tech conference last week, for instance.
它差不多比13寸吋的MacBook Pro笔记本轻了两磅多(0.91公斤)。 比如上周起程赶赴《财富》科技头脑风暴科技峰大会(Fortune's Brainstorm Tech conference)时,我想都没想不假思索就把它带在了身上。