Fortune Teller 算命者 ; 算命先生
fortune-teller 算命人 ; 女占卜者 ; 占卜者 ; 算命先生
Franklin AND THE FORTUNE TELLER 富兰克林和预言家
The Fortune Teller 算命先生 ; 吉普赛命相家 ; 幸运的出纳 ; 算命者
a fortune-teller 不要作算命先生
daily fortune teller 每日算命先知小游戏
“I am aprophet, not a fortune-teller.” Samuel said. I looked him in the eye, and he looked like something forbidding was going to happen.
Came to a fortune teller and she just said "Treasure every moment from now on" and a tear rolled down the fortune teller's cheek.
In the beginning, we went to the fortune teller for help.