...期限的不同,外汇市场还可分为即期外汇市场(spot foreign exchange market)、远期外汇市场(forward foreign exchange market)和外币期货市场(..
The paper explains the mechanics of speculative attacks by analyzing the behavior of participants of forward foreign exchange market, which is tested by the experience of Baht.
通过分析货币危机中远期外汇市场参与者——投机者、商业银行和中央银行的行为 ,阐明投机性冲击的一般机制 ,并以泰铢汇率变动经验进行验证 ,进而提出对策建议。
The foreign exchange market being what it is – namely an asset market – it has looked a long way forward into the resources boom and pushed up the currency quite quickly.
Transaction in the foreign exchange market may be either spot or forward.