这款迷你PDF阅读器( Foxit Pdf Reader),体积较小的的PDF文件阅读器,你可以方便地将PDF文件直截拖放进活动窗口打开,并支持打印,文本查看等功能,有了它您就不要为打...
Foxit PDF Reader (福昕阅读器)是一个小巧的PDF文件阅读器,你可以方便地将PDF文件直截拖放进活动窗口打开,并支持打印,文本查看等功能,有了它您就不要为打印...
FoxIt Software, makers of the popular free alternative PDF reader, FoxIt reader, announced patches for three public vulnerabilities that were discovered in the past few weeks.
FoxIt Reader(一款流行的免费PD F阅读器软件)的提供者FoxIt Soft ware公司针对在过去几周内发现的三个安全漏洞发布了安全补丁。
You might also want to try a previous recommendation of ours, Foxit Reader, which is an all-around quicker alternative to Adobe for reading PDF files.
你可能也想试试我们先前推荐的一款PDF全能阅读器,Foxit Reader,可以非常迅速地打开PDF文件,是比较完美的Adobe Reader的替代。